martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008
Soy Bells!
Hoy estoy yo solita!!
Ya es Navidad!!!!! Y estamos de vacaciones!!!
Yo no volvere a pasarme por aqui hasta el año que viene por eso queria deciros a todos:
Espero que Papá Noel y los Reyes Magos os traigan todo lo que pedisteis!!!
viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008
HI!! k tal estais?????
Cony: Ya Llegan las vacaciones!!!!!! Ya nos dieron las notas !!!!!!!! K ilu solo me kdan 2!!!
Elena: Tengo dos 10!!! Y dos 9!!! K ilu!!!! Y unas muy buenas (comparadas con el resto de la clase)
Cony: Ay ke tener morro!!!! >3<
Bells: Se siente!!!!! ^^
Cony: el caso es ke nos vamos las vacaciones !!! Ya iremos actualizando cada una por su lao
Ambas: Os deseamos una Fliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo!!!!!!
jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008
Too Cool!!!!!!!
Too cool for my dress, these shades don't leave my head
Everything you say is so irrelevant
You follow in my lead, you want to be like me
But you just don't want to be loved and hated
I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand
But I'm too cool, yeah I'm too cool
To know you
Don't take it personal, don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you
You think your hot but I'm sunny, you're not
Exactly who do you think you are, can tell you what you haven't got
When we walk into the room
I'm too cool for you
You're lucky I'm so nice
Even I'm surprised
You are still allowed to be in my crew
Show you how it's done
If you want to be someone
Just watch me, and you'll learn some
Me, myself, and I agree
You'll never catch up with me
You see
I'm all beauty, brains, and talents
And I got it all
Well others have to try all their lives
Still they never get the call
That's the difference between you and me
I'm a natural, I'm the real deal
I can't help the way I am
Hope you don't misunderstand
But I'm too cool
Yeah I'm too cool
To know you
Don't take it personal
Don't get emotional
You know it's the truth
I'm too cool for you [x2]-
lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008
Nos presentamos, somos:
El PC & SU!!!!!!!!!!
Somos tres chicas de 14 años y nuestro "profesor" de Tecnología Suso.
Nos podeis llamr:
- Elena - Mikuru, Miku, Bella, Bells, Helen...
- Paty - Lina, Himeko, Hime-chan, Rosalie, Rose...
- Cony - Alice, Aly, Hanon, Sakurita...
Aki pondremos nuestras locuras y delirios!! xD
Besos a todo el que se pase!